Saturday, October 11, 2014

Rhetorical Analysis Thesis propsal

For my Rhetorical analysis I will write about Patrick Clarks American Justice and Divine Mercy. For me, it was one of the most convincing arguments I read. I read the paper not having the same thought as his, but left thinking about the same thing. He understood his audience well, Christians, and referenced many biblical thoughts and ideas, even scriptures.
From those scriptural ideas he appealed to the base values people are taught in Sunday school, basically playing off of ethos. In his paper, he didn’t just reference the bible to get support though. He stated things the bible taught, and then he put them together to make a solid defense for his point, (mainly for Christians, but once again, that was his audience) playing off of Logos. By starting his paper with “Here are just a couple scattered thoughts that came swirling into my mind in the wake of Osama bin Laden’s death:” He showed that he was more speaking from his heart. That made people listen to what he had to say, because it felt more sincere. That coupled with the emotion of the time and topic, made the paper a very strong Pathos paper too.

Patrick Clark’s paper might not have been the longest paper, or maybe the most convincing to the general audience. Given his audience though, the paper was very effective in using rhetorical arguments and so was very convincing

1 comment:

  1. I really like the point you made about Clark's first sentence. I hadn't figured out exactly the effect it had on the paper, but I think you hit it right on that it feels more sincere and that he's speaking from his heart. I will also be analyzing this paper, because it really made me think about how I and the country reacted to Osama Bin Laden's death.
