Sunday, September 7, 2014

20 min. free write

   So our next paper is to write a opinion editorial. That should be interesting. It could be really fun if you did it right. I'm not quite sure what I'm going to write about though. I could try one of the major topics that a lot of people talk about, but that doesn't seem as interesting. I could try to write something about video games, but i'm not sure what I would write about. Maybe I could tell how I think everybody should try to make something during their life, that would be good.
   We all are consumers of something or another, and I figure if we are all taking in so much, its only right that we make something in return. certainly we all will have families, and help that way, but we could all do something to make the current world we are in a better place. I'm not really talking about something grand and big like finding the cure for the common cold, just simple things that would brighten peoples day. Making a story with a good ending that gives you hope, or Writing a catchy song that would help ease peoples tensions. I think we all have the power in us to make something. We are children of god, the maker of everything we see around us. we are practically guaranteed some creativity by that statement. I think like every other talent though, If we want it to grow we need to use it.
   I can't really get mad at people for not making things. I still have not really made anything either. I want to one day. I want to make awesome things that will entertain people and hopefully help them in life at the same time. I have found so much entertainment in so many things in life that I find it only fitting that I should give back to the world by entertaining them in some way. And instead of just making something that is only entertaining, I can make something that is entertaining and informative, that will help people in life. So many things nowadays are good (i.e. entertaining, fun) but they have some kind of dark side, something that spoils them or stops them from being uplifting. I want to make better things. Things that are really entertaining, but don't make you feel guilty afterwards.
   I found all this out from playing games. I found great entertainment in them, they made my day better. So I got to thinking after a while that it would be fun to make them. Now i know that there is a ton of work put into them, so its not nearly fun and games to make games, ironically. I want to help the future generations though and make them something good and uplifting, so i stayed with the job option. A major part of making uplifting games is going to be their story telling, so i will have to improve my storytelling ability. What i might try to do during this class is try to make my papers stories wherever possible. It will be hard, but it will give me the practice i need and if applied right, will make writing papers so much more entertaining.
   Those are my thoughts. I'm going to try and write stories for this class. For my opinion editorial, i might write about our duty as human beings to add to this wonderful world we live in, and our duty as members to add good things. Both ideas are rather different, but if i tried i might be able to accomplish them. That is my hope.


  1. That is extremely interesting. It's not really an issue that gets in the news a lot, but it is an opinion that is deeply held and will definitely make people think when they read it. I'm excited to see where you go with it.

  2. I found your thought process interesting. Was it interesting for YOU to see where your thoughts strayed as you contemplated one thing and then transitioned to another? Did you see the connections you made as you did so?
