Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Opinion edit. Reflection

    I actually had fun writing this opinion editorial. When i signed up to take this class, i was rather worried, I do very well in my classes, but English classes were always hard for me. As i prepared to write this Editorial though, i found that it came to me fairly naturally. I started by thinking how people should make more things, add to this amazing world. I realized that might be hard topic to argue though (it was very unique to me), so i expanded the argument to how we should all use our time more wisely. I felt that was a issue we all have experienced, but haven't really talked about much, so it seemed to be a great opinion editorial topic. The ideas started flowing from that point.
   As i prepared to write the paper, i didn't know how i really wanted to write it. I could try to make it very formal and informative, like most other papers i had written, but that didn't seem enjoyable.Then i had an idea for something else i could try. I could write the paper like a story, showing how i came to my collusion and backing it up with evidence along the way. Once i had that idea, i knew that was how i was going to write my paper. It wasn't how i typically did it, but i thought it would be a little better that way.
   I was fairly worried once i wrote the paper though. Unlike other papers i had written which had followed strict bounds, this one kind of just came out of my head like a stream of thought. I think the thing that stopped the paper from turning sour was the fact that i had been thinking about the issue since we had gotten the assignment. I hadn't really written anything down, but i had thought a lot about how i wanted to write it and the evidence i wanted to use. That gave me a chance to organize the paper in my head, so when it came out, it wasn't just a random stream of thoughts. I was relieved when others said that the draft was enjoyable.
    It is interesting writing about our need to use our time wisely. Some times i felt bad because i wasn't the perfect example of what i talked about, but i think that worked in the end. When it comes down to it, none of us can use our time perfectly well. We need rest, we are human, and we all slip up sometimes. That is why i loved the ending of the paper. The real message is that we need to TRY to do better with our time, That is what is expected of us. That is practically my family's motto, As long as we do our best, things will be okay. It was fun to incorporate that in. I'm happy the paper turned out how it did and hope it helps some people.

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