Saturday, September 13, 2014

Opinion Editorials Opinion

My thoughts on the 3 editorials we read

Wrestling's Dirty Secret
I found this editorial to be very persuasive. Most likely because it did make you feel like the ncaa is not doing enough. I had heard about wrestlers losing weight to make it into certain weight groups. I had not thought much about it before, but i could see why it would be such a big problem, even the idea is gross. This author made his point by reaching to the humanity in all of us, and so ultimately succeeded.

A Miniskirt, Even with leggings, Is still a miniskirt
This was not as persuasive, Though it was still entertaining to me. I under stood the points this lady made about how we should honor the dress code, and I agree with it. As BYU students who signed a agreement form, we need to obey. I have not seen this to be a real problem on campus though. Students might disagree, but i haven't really seen them openly violate it. BYU still seems to be one of the chastest places on the planet. So The points didn't stick as well.

A Kiss_less Campus
This was also a entertaining editorial, ineffective, but fun.  Love birds are always going to show public affection, so we might as well get used to it. Yes, it can be awkward for those near them, but its not going to change any time soon. I laughed when she showed places where affection in public was almost banned, Those were more extreme places. That being said, i did still find it entertaining, so i have to give her some credit at least as a writer, just maybe not as a editorial publisher.

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