Saturday, September 13, 2014

Opinion Editorial Thesis

For my Opinion Editorial, I'm going to write about how people should live more productive lives. I have found in life that there are three categories of things we do. Things we need to do, things we should do, and things we want to do. While finding those things we need to and want to do is pretty easy, I think the third category is a lot harder, but just as important. We all have a lot of things we need to do, and those should be our first priorities. At that point some people skip instantly to what they want to do. I Think we should instead think of what we can accomplish, or how we could help the world, and I place those things in the should category.
I am not suggesting that people take no breaks in life, we need free time. But instead of wasting so much time simply doing what seems fun, we should put time to the side to do something better, something that will help others. Instead of simply playing games all evening, learn how to draw, and make something. Instead of watching Netflix for 3 hours, spend some time writing a story. Do something that won’t only help you, but that will help or brighten other people’s day. We don't need to do big major things like find the cure for the common cold, or 3 hours of service daily, even small things help. Do whatever you can to make the world a better place, no matter how big or small.

We all need money to survive and working is how we get money. Work in its very nature is accomplishing something for other, so some might think if they were working that would be enough. To many of us do only what is required of us at work, and I don't think that really helps though. We need to go the extra mile. Some might do this by doing great at whatever their job is. If your making pizzas, make the best pizzas you can, they will brighten the day of those who eat them. I think cake was made along those lines, not by somebody just doing their job, but loving it. While I believe people should be doing productive things outside of work, I think if somebody is really doing their job and helping people, they are on the right track.


  1. I really like your topic for your opinion editorial! Reading even just your thesis there makes me want to be even just a little better in life, and I think that was your point. Keep making us all want to be more productive and happy people!

  2. I like how you stated that we should be helping others. I think it's important because it's helping people around our community and it helps us become better people. By brightening that someone's day it could really make an impact on them. I really enjoyed reading this.

  3. Certainly an interesting subject to consider. Consider how you might approach this subject to appeal to your audience. How would you combat their argument of being stretched for time? Have you considered those who are striving to be more productive but struggle due to financial or physical constraints? What about the limitations placed upon us due to economic hardship? What is the complete definition of 'productive' when we take these ideas into account?
