Thursday, September 18, 2014

Style Academy 1

    Sentence imitation seems like a really cool idea. If you just look at face value it might not seem like that, but the meaning is what makes it count. We all want to be great at what we do and there are people we all admire. If we try to follow those we look up to in everyday matters, it only makes sense, as a writer to try and copy the style of those we love. simply too learn how they do what they do so we can take on those good attributes and then grow. I have high hopes for what this could do for me.
    That was rather fun. It gave me an opportunity to finally release some of my creative energies. I’m not imitating these sentences to copy their style, I imitate them to see what type of new story I can create. It is amazing the number of details and feelings you can get across I just a sentence. I think this would definitely help me be more creative and become a better writer as well, and that is really what I want to get out of this activity so that’s great.
    2. Once, as a child, going to the hospital, a bee flew into the car as his mother parked it, Terrifying this boy for he hated bees, and she, the boy’s mother, hoping to calm him, told to not worry because bees only stung when you threatened them.
    4. It seems the world changes in an instant, and each year as snow falls, white covers the ground, There is a moisture in the air that is unique to that time of year, and our breath, a clear sign of winter, rolls out our mouths and slowly rises to the heavens majestically.
    7. His friends returned to their homes, but brave mike, because he couldn’t stand losing family again, returned to the large forest in search of his lost brother.
    10. At exactly 12 minutes past 11 at night, on October 5, 2022, Mountain Standard Time, The moment the machine learned to think, Mr. Goodman, A scientist in the life analysis department of the Better robot corporation, had just stood up to use the restroom as his computer finished its task.

1 comment:

  1. I hope you're having fun with the style academy. It's a really interesting way to get you thinking about how you approach writing. :)
